We got a new guest today! Welcome, Andy. And welcome again, Sam!
The rules of Write Club are updated so please check them out. Click on the "Rules of Write Club" on top. Remember, anyone can join. All that is required is a desire to write and learn how to improve.
Please check your availability or preference on meeting during the week. Follow the link here to figure out when is best to meet for all of us. Feel free to forward it along to people who want to be a part of write club.( Link )
The discussion on last week's prompt was great. Each of us had our own unique way of thinking and writing when we were in transit. One was in the subway, one on a skateboard, one on walking in the office, and rest were in the car.
Different kinds of transits may spur different kinds of thoughts or process. It may depend on the mood of the day or different places.
The prompt for next week is:
Write a story where nothing takes place outside of one small room. You can describe the interior of the room, but refrain from describing anything outside of it. Take note of how this restriction forces you to rely on certain techniques of storytelling.
The roles for next week are:
Parsnip - Simon
Teachable and prompt - Jenn
If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please fill out the "Contact Write Club" on the right side. Thanks.
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