5/27/13 Meeting Recap

Hello, Fellow Writers!

We had two guests this week, Luc and his friend. Yay! Welcome.

For teachable/exercise (Alex), we did "Sensory" writing. Using five senses, we wrote our experiences on a shared item: Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Honey Mint. Everyone wrote differently and it was interesting in getting to know each mind.

It is a great tool to use to flesh out the characters or plots by relating to things in sensory experience. It helps tell the flow of consciousnesses, events, characterization, etc. for the readers to get to know them.

For the prompt for the following Monday (June 3rd),

Write about a time when you were in transit of some kind—on a train, plane, bus, or bike, in a car or even on foot. Write about where you were going and why, and focus on what you were thinking, seeing, and feeling as you moved. In literature of every genre, some of the most interesting reflection takes place in transit.

Hey, kinda like the sensory writing exercise!

Have a great weekend! And bring a friend to Write Club. For the rules, please read "The Rules of Write Club."

5/23/13 Meeting Recap

Hello, fellow writers!

Some changes are being made in case if you missed the meeting this week or forgot.

I have been appointed as the Scribe. My job is write recaps on the blog after the meeting on the same day and send a reminder on Thursday or Friday regarding prompt and roles for the following Monday. Also, I have given permission to re-design the blog! It's exciting.

From next week on, as long as the sun is out to warm us, we might meet outside. We have yet to pick a location and we can decide when we meet again. For now, let's meet at Barnes and Noble.

Alex will make Google Groups and Calendar as to write discussions in one place and to assign & remind us the rotating roles we have weekly. The roles include:
  • Parsnip Base
  • Teachable
  • Prompt
  • (Are there any more?)
And now the prompt.

Write at least seven sentences that only contain six or seven words each. So for examples from Seven at the Sevens,
  • "Always on schedule but still misses deadlines." - Adair Willow
  • "Creative writing, feels like holding your breath." - Kent Ethan Clarke
  • "Cell phone died. So did social life." - Lime Anderson
  • "Going against the gran smooths the surface." - Lime Anderson
  • "I'm recyclable. Been used over and over." - Lime Anderson
  • "I wish someone could proofread my life." - Adair Willow
  • "Making money was an impossible career goal." - Uncommon Bostonian
They do not have to be and in fact should not be related because these are each a story. They can be about you or someone famous or someone fictional. Contractions are okay.

This prompt is a form of restricted writing and it forces your to use your brain differently which can kick start creativity. In this form, you have limited words to put together an entire story. Ernest Hemmingway started with this: "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn." That's the teachable moment.