Met to talk about our cliche mash-up poems, and it turns out that everyone liked our poems more than we did.
We now have a meeting time! Thursday 6-8, probably somewhere at RIT. Yay!
Prompt: Look at the Universal Universe, and add some things to your personal/group file, we'll be meeting again to talk about this soon, and collaborating online tonight till 8.
Other Prompt: 5 Haikus (3 lines, 5-7-5 Syllables each)
Haiku's are one of my favorite forms of poetry, largely because they are so limited in their scope. Just to get you started, haiku's are generally inspired by observation, and then that observation is posed as a metaphor on one or more levels. Since haikus are so short, each line, and each word can be taken independantly, and the piece can be read and broken down several different ways.
For some reason my haikus have always come in sets of 5, but that should not limit you. Write the 5 however you like (as a set, or 3 and 2, or each independently) We'll be going over them, as well as our additions and ideas for the universal universe next meeting.
We'll be doing our first colaborative assignment next meeting! Exciting sutff!