Meeting Recap 10/25/12

Meeting Recap:

We were a little light last Thursday when we met, but we managed to get a lot done! We played around in our Universal Universe, and ended up with a few conceptual "races" and some stories that could happen under the Ice of our Europa like planet. 

Then, to test the colaborative, creative wiles of our group, we wrote up a little line-by-line short story about a dark and stormy night. Fun stuff!
(The Discussion, with the story at the bottom of it, are posted in the Editor's office)


All that being said We're looking forward to our Writing Goals for NANOWRIMO! (National Novel Writing Month for the unitiated.)

November is a month of many things... Facial Hair, Pomegranates, Native American Awareness, and Writing our brains out. The "traditional" rules are as follows:

***Write 50000 words (1667 words/day) before Midnight November 30th.***

With that lofty (but atainable) goal in mind Let's set some Goals for ourselves:

Alexander J. Turner: I plan to double the current word count (End with 10,000 words) of "More Letters" and bonus points if I can come up with a decent conclusion. 

Jn: Jn's going for the full monty! 50,000 words by 23:59:59 on November 30th, 2012. Godspeed!

More to come... Email Alex your personal Goals!